Saturday, October 11, 2014

District Line to Mansion House

I have officially been in London for 1 week as of today and I am in LOVE. Every street, every alley, every nook, every cranny - I just can't get enough. Today's post will be rather short, as I am getting up early tomorrow to do some very touristy things (which you can expect another post about FYI), but I just wanted to post to say THANK YOU.

Friends, Family, Friends of Family, etc. your support is so beautiful, so encouraging; it keeps me going day to day. Seeing your faces on video chat or a simple Facebook hello/pep talk - it makes this transition unbelievably easier! This was not easy to do, as much as I made it seem so, but I am so very happy I did. I am so grateful for my beautiful parents and sisters. Words cannot express how much I miss them every day, but who can honestly say that their family is behind every single one of their decisions 100%, no matter how crazy/impulsive they may be? I can and I cannot express how lucky I am for the four of them. 

So you all know, my classes have been spectacular, the beautiful friends I've made have already made such an impact on my life here, and I can't wait to see what more is to come! Goodnight, post soon xoxo 

Enjoy some pictures from my saturday night out in Londontown with my new friend, Malakeh:

Myself and Malakeh

View From Dinner at The Real Greek Bankside

 We Met at Mansion House and Walked the South Bank

 That Pesky Gap That Must Be Minded...

 I Just Couldn't Help Myself...

 White Wine = My Weakness (@ Gordon's Wine Bar)

Let today be the day you stop being haunted by the ghost of yesterday.

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