I'm positive that each new trip I take brings me such a great sense of peace and gratitude. Munich, Germany was a lovely experience in so many ways - the history, the culture, and particularly seeing one of my best of friends.
Friday (Dachau) - click for an article about Dachau...
After landing in Munich, Sean and I went to Dachau where one of the first concentration camps from WWII is located. Although a somber start to the trip being surrounded by the memory of such destruction, hardship and heartache, Sean was quite the trooper taking me there knowing how important it was to me. Most of you, at least close family/friends, know how much a "history nerd" I am when it comes to the 1960's/Post-WWII (1945-75) Era and there's no need to explain why, but I digress. Back to Dachau, I never realized how large these camps were and finally seeing one in person is unbelievably moving. 63,000 people were imprisoned there at one point! The history, which is displayed throughout the camp, often left me speechless; to try and imagine what went on there doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what truly occurred. 'Arbeit Macht Frei' - the traditional Nazi slogan hung at many of the concentration camps - WAS on the gate of the entrance when we arrived Friday afternoon, but over the course of the weekend someone stole the gate! Besides the fact that it easily weighs 200+ pounds, the fact that someone would disrespect a place that is now a memorial to lives lost and liberated from the Dachau is absolutely despicable; Yes, Dachau is a place of historically tragic acts, but it is now a place of remembrance. Unfortunately, in what was meant to protect Dachau from feeling like a maximum-security facility there are no security cameras to find the perpetrator.
All in all, Dachau has left an unbelievable impression on me and if given the opportunity, I suggest everyone attempt to visit; it will definitely put life into perspective for you. We ended the evening at a local pub on a much lighter note, seeing that it was Halloween, but no costumes for us this time..
Saturday (Schondorf am Ammersee)
Sean's family, so hospitable and kind, live a quaint village just outside of Munich in Bavaria; this is where I stayed while in Germany. We took quite a long walk along the sea and throughout the town, ate lunch at a local restaurant outside by the sea, and I was able to see what a quiet, small town in Germany felt like to live in. The scenery was beautiful; my favorite view along the sea was the view of the Alps in the distance! In Bavaria, a prominently Catholic area, November 1 (Saturday!) was a quite day around town being that it was All Saints Day. Luckily we were able to spend time out and about and do a bit of exploring without any of our destinations being closed for the day. After all the walking and quiet night with homemade dinner (Thanks Sean!) and Dexter was just the right amount of relaxation.
Sunday (Munich; Hofbrahaus)
After breakfast courtesy of Sean, we went down in the city of Munich around mid-afternoon. We took a train, which was ironically my first experience on one here in Europe! It was unbelievably convenient and that way we knew some alcoholic beverages could be consumed by both :) The Hofbrahaus in Munich was fantastic - People everywhere sure did love them some Sunday Funday! I drank out of one of those huge beer mugs and listened to the traditional German music all evening - I loved it. I feel like there's a special name for those mugs and due to the amount I may have had (3-4), I don't remember it -oops! Regardless, it was the perfect way to end my trip to Germany. We made it home safe, had some drunk munchies on the way, and it was lights out when we arrived back - I had an early flight and Sean had work.
Although I didn't understand much of the locals speak, Sean was able to translate it all; Ordering food and drinks would have been difficult if he wasn't there! Being in Germany made me think of my trip to Koln, Germany when I was 15 - I felt all sorts of nostalgic - because up until arriving in the UK, it was the only other country I had been to! I am so grateful for the experiences I've had since arriving here last month and look forward to many, many more. I have one more trip planned before I head back home to the states in 36 days for Christmas with my beautiful family!
I hope you enjoy the pictures below, seeing as I took quite a few! Its crazy to think the gate no longer looks like that....
Memorial in Dachau that reads: "May the example of those who were exterminated here between 1933-1945 because the resisted Nazism help to unite the living for the defense of peace and freedom and in respect for their fellow men."
Left: "Maintenance" Building --- Right: Prison Block (Bunker)
Inside the Bunker; Tiny Cells Prisoners Were Held In.
Signs/Areas Inside the Maintenance Building
Beds Inside One of The Barracks
Lightening the mood with a little wine that evening...
And Maybe Some Delicious Hefeweizen...
Along the Sea in Schondorf am Ammersee
More Hefeweizen, please!
Sean Made Delicious Coffee Each Morning - He's the Best!
I'm Convinced All German Street Signs Look Like This
Saturday's Lunch Spot; See Post in Schondorf am Ammersee
Lovely view outside the room his family graciously set up for me!
Hofbrahaus in Munich!
The map in the train reminded me of the London Tube...

My ride home from London Heathrow and basically every other day...
“Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run, but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.”